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Summer Coach-a-Thon!

It's summer camp for your brain! 

Coaching, Community, & Prizes--all designed to fit  your summer schedule.

Join by July 3 and get 2 months for the price of one!

Code: SUMMER2024

Marble Surface

Welcome to How to Glow

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Hack Your Brain

Stop beating yourself up when you don’t do the thing you wanted to do and learn why it happened. Whether that’s three hours scrolling on your phone, eating half a box of cookies, or snapping at your kids. It’s not about self-control, it’s about self-awareness. 

(And the shame spiral isn’t helping, either.)

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Understand Your Husband

So many of our issues come from the insane idea that we’re supposed to operate the same, that there’s some gold standard of how to behave. Your husband is a unique individual and probably in many ways about as different from you as he can be. Instead of being frustrated, you’re going to see your differences as your best asset as a couple.

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Love Your Life

Everybody can buy into a life that you love. Not a life that you can manage or that you can get by with. Learn to dream big and see how it lights up everyone around you. 

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What's Inside


You got the concepts but want help applying them to your specific situation? We have calls every week where you can come on and get coached live OR listen to others and see the tools in action. Either way you will come out inspired.


Want to keep growing but need some guidance? We alternate between Marriage and Life calls–balancing all areas that make us Glow. One month we might work on our intimate lives and the next we’re redesigning our schedules. Monthly workbooks help you get even more out of these topic calls.


Get support and troubleshoot with other growth-oriented women who are showing up in their lives in a totally new way. The community is run on Slack, NOT social media, so you don’t end up scrolling for hours every time you check in. Accessible by desktop or mobile device.


Want to look back at past topics, like how to stop scrolling on your phone, love your intimate life, or improve your relationships? Past topic calls are available to you to browse and replay at any time.


Sometimes life is too busy to log in. That’s not a problem. As a Glow Community member, you get access to our members-only podcast where all call recordings are posted. Listen as you run errands, do carpool, or go for a run (especially fabulous for Pesach cleaning and sefirah!)


Glow Community members get first pick when private coaching spots with Kayla open up. This is a totally optional but amazing opportunity to go even deeper in all the work you do here in the program, or to add on external accountability.

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My Bonus Gifts to You



First Year Married Course


Time Management for Jewish Women


Self Coaching Fundamentals

Whether you’ve been married a month or a decade, this course will walk you through the most common relationship issues and give you a new perspective on your marriage. Get over resentment, start loving your intimate life, and get excited about your marriage all over again.

The typical time management systems just aren’t made for busy Jewish women. In this course, I teach you how to know if you need to step back and design a schedule, a week, or a project, and how to do it simply and easily. Leave the overwhelm and panic behind and enjoy your time again.

You are your own best coach. I’ll show you how. Learn my simple system for self-coaching and you will be able to apply these tools to any problem. The more you do it, the better you get, until this simply becomes the way you think.

Clean Space


No enrollment cost!
Auto billed each month
Cancel any time

You’ll be charged $49 when you join and again on that calendar date each month. As long as you are enrolled you have access to all calls, the members-only podcast, and the online courses and study vault.

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A happier brain one month at a time

Monthly Member


  • Live Coaching Calls

  • Monthly Topic Call & Members-Only Podcast

  • Anonymous Q&A

  • Members-Only Community

  • Access to The Foundations, First Year Married, & Time Management Courses

Annual Member

  • Two Free Months

  • Live Coaching Calls

  • Monthly Topic Call & Members-Only Podcast

  • Anonymous Q&A

  • Members-Only Community

  • Access to The Foundations, First Year Married, & Time Management Courses


“Kayla, I just wanted to express my overflowing gratitude for everything that you’ve taught me. I function differently after learning the material you’ve taught. I can’t believe I’ve gone my whole life not knowing all this!


I see what a difference it feels like to be in my brain now compared to when we first started, and it’s amazing. You’re right, you can’t ‘unlearn’ this stuff! I hope iyH to take this awareness with me wherever I go, and to only keep growing from it all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Hi, I'm Kayla

I’ve spent the last six years coaching hundreds of women on making their lives better — starting with their marriages.

Having everything right “on paper” — you are both basically good people and compatible — doesn’t really matter when you feel disconnected, frustrated, or anxious.

Positive self-talk, getting support from a friend, and listening to classes all have their place, but if you feel that you’re spinning in the same cycles of negativity (INCLUDING judging yourself for not “just being happy!”) you’re in the right place.

I help women develop deep connection, authentic connection, and confidence so they can have the marriage — and the life — of their dreams.

Managing your mind and loving your marriage doesn’t require PhD-level information, tons of hard work, or massive amounts of willpower. It requires some love for yourself, willingness to try something new, and a few minutes a day.

You’ll never look back.

You ready to join us?


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How do I get coached in The Glow Community?

There are several ways to get coached inside the program. You can come on live (on video or off) during our group Zoom calls and get coached there. You can also submit questions during the call for coaching using the chat box. And finally, you can submit questions in advance on our site that will be answered in the next live call, so you can get coached even if you can’t attend the call live.

What time are the calls?

Call times will vary each month to accommodate different schedules. Most members don’t attend every call, but I’d love you to be able to make one live each month. Our most popular call times are (in Eastern time) 9 AM Sunday, 11 AM Sunday, and 2 PM Monday. By the way, you can always catch a recording if the live call time doesn’t work for you.

How much time should I plan to spend on the program?

You get to participate as much or as little as you like. I recommend listening to the Topic Call each month–live or recorded–to give yourself a specific tool you can use in your daily life and start to see some really exciting changes. But if you want to attend all three calls, do the workbooks, and watch the courses, be my guest!

What is the cancellation policy?

You can manage & update your membership at any time on your account page inside of the membership website.

Can I get coached on something other than marriage?

Absolutely. A happy woman is made up of much more than a good marriage, and the more we work on all aspects of our live the more we bring to the table. We’ll be addressing parenting, health, money, home organization, time management, and anything else our members can dream up.

Am I a fit for the program?

Our members are all married Jewish women, varying from traditional to Orthodox. We have newlyweds and women married 20+ years, but the average is probably around 5-15 years married. It’s a big bonus to be able to learn from women at all different stages.

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