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Ep. 131 - Physical Discomfort

This week I'm teaching you how to manage when you are TIRED. When you're up a lot at night, or have a very schleppy life-situation, or an extremely physically demanding job.

Often we make the mistake of thinking that thought work doesn't apply to our physical experience. I've seen time and time again that this is not true. Our thoughts about our discomfort create the true bulk of our experience.

Whatever your situation, I invite you to listen this week to hear...

  1. How to stop resisting and adding drama to physically demanding parts of your life

  2. The real benefits you can gain when you embrace physical discomfort

  3. How to get out of "energy scarcity" -- when you're worried about spending energy now because you might not have it later

  4. How to trust yourself to make decisions about how to take care of your body

Join us next month in my membership program, How to Glow, and bring any of your questions about this topic or others to our live coaching calls!

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