ֵEpisode 192 - When Your Husband Goes on a Business Trip
Updated: 20 hours ago
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File this under things I wish they'd told me...
When your husband goes on a trip you'll worry that it'll be way too hard.
Then he'll go and you'll be surprisingly functional.
You will feel like SUPERWOMAN.
You can't wait for him to come home and see how clearly, everything you've been working on has just CLICKED! You've finally arrived at your peak of capability and functionality!
And then he comes back...
And you collapse.
WAIT! NO! You were so excited for him to have that extra time, to take a break, to see what you're capable of, to jaw-drop at your efficiency and got-it-together energy!
If you're chuckling along or your mouth is hanging open... you might not have known that this is a common phenomenon. (I couldn't believe it when I learned it, either.)
Being focused on results over experience (exactly what makes you so efficient while he's away) is something we have testosterone to thank for. And while we have a lower supply, women do have testosterone.
However, burning higher-than-normal levels can take a toll. For women, this can mean higher levels of stress or, as you may have experienced, that post-trip crash.
What's a girl to do?
1. Learn the lesson. It's not ONLY hormones. You probably had some very helpful thoughts, some good ideas, or you kept to habits that worked for you (ie going to bed on time, or getting yourself ready for the next day). Not being distracted by whether he should or could be helping you, you helped yourself. Good to know for the future.
2. Plan a transition. Instead of crashing back into your pre-trip life, give yourself some time to relax and unwind from the result-focused energy you've been in. Lunch with a friend, time to wander your favorite store, or a good book are good ways to show your system that you're dialing down on the productive energy and sliding back into something more feminine.
3. Don't take your brain too seriously. Any time something feels big to me (and that might not be something "technically big") I know my thinking might take a turn for the dramatic. Feel like he's being totally selfish upon return? Can't stand how he left his coffee mug out on the table that's been clean for a WEEK?! Maybe that's the crash speaking. If it's a problem, you'll still feel that way in a few days, so for now you don't need to rush into taking action.
Any tips that help you when your husband is away? Please share!
The Situation
So what in the world is happening?
What should you do?
How to use this to learn about yourself
Learn from your husband
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